
Selected Talks

“Reading Silent Film: Race, Class, Disability, & Turning Books into Intertitles” - Rutgers Book Initiative (New Brunswick, NJ, 10 April 2024)

“Speaking Texts: Recordings in/and Preservation, Accessibility, and Indigeneity” - Bibliographical Society of America (virtual, 24 January 2023)

“Digital Analysis of Poetics” - University of Warwick Centre for Digital Inquiry (virtual, 9 June 2022)

“Tracking Nineteenth-Century Literary-Critical Terms” - AHRC Victorian Literary Languages Network Workshop (St Andrews U, 26 May 2022)

“Deep Nostalgia” - Media Ecology Association Annual Convention (virtual, 10 July 2021)

“‘Listening Between the Lines’ and ‘Hearing Pictures’” - Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine (virtual, 19 March 2020)

“Poetic Physicians: Benjamin Rush and Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.” - American Antiquarian Society Fellows Talk (Worcester, MA, 20 March 2019)

“The Wireless Atlantic” - Stanford Humanities Center Fellows Talk (Stanford University, 24 April 2018)

“Stethoscopy: A Poetics of Attention and Voice” - Poetry and Poetics Workshop (Stanford University, 30 October 2017)

“‘Di-dah di-dah di-dah’: The Sounds of Poetry and the Electric Telegraph in America” - Smithsonian NMAH Fellows Colloquium (Washington, DC, 16 September 2016)

“Confessions from the Archive” - Archive Projects Working Group (Stanford University, 20 April 2016)

Prayers to the Gawds: A Reading from My Poetry Collection” - Berkeley-Stanford Conference (Stanford University, 25 April 2015)

“Talking Machines: Sound Technology and Literature Around the Turn of the 20th Century” - The Material Imagination Workshop (Stanford University, 7 February 2014)

“Victorian Poets” (with Meredith Martin, Princeton University) - Word for Word Poetry Series (Bryant Park Reading Room, New York, 19 July 2011) 


Selected Conference Presentations

“The Transmission Poetics of John Rollin Ridge/Yellow Bird (Chees-quat-a-law-ny)” - Poetic Theory in the Nineteenth-Century US, chair Virginia Jackson (Pasadena, March 2024)

“Arts and Music on TV, Radio and Podcast” - Edinburgh TV Festival Roundtable (virtual, 2 May 2023)

“‘Roll between’: Informal Empire in John Rollin Ridge’s ‘The Atlantic Cable’” - Modern Language Association Convention (Washington, DC, 7 January 2022)“‘Speaker’: The Long-Nineteenth-Century History of a Poetic Term” - Historical Poetics Now Conference (UT Austin, 9 November 2019)

“Poetic Wireless” - North American Victorian Studies Association Conference (Columbus, 17 October 2019)

“‘Monster Panoramas’: Transatlantic Technologies and Moving Forms” - Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference (San Francisco, 3 March 2018)

“The (Sonic) Fidelity of Paul Laurence Dunbar” - Modern Language Association Convention (New York, 6 January 2018)

“‘Lub dup’: Toward an Auscultative Poetics” - Ear Pieces Conference (Cambridge University, 16 December 2016)

“‘A new art’: The Unspeakable in George Bernard Shaw’s Plays Unpleasant” - Comparative Drama Conference (Baltimore, 2 April 2016)

“The Soundscapes of the Industrial and Urban Emily Dickinson” - Sounding Dickinson Panel, Modern Language Association Convention (Vancouver, 8 January 2015)

“The Stanford Literary Lab Transhistorical Poetry Project Phase II: Metrical Form” with Mark Algee-Hewitt, Ryan Heuser, J.D. Porter, and Jonathan Sensenbaugh - Digital Humanities Conference (Lausanne, Switzerland, 11 July 2014) 

“Resisting ‘Suddenness’: Industrial Temporality and the Poetry of Emily Dickinson” - American Comparative Literature Association Conference: Global Positioning Systems (University of Toronto, 5 April 2013)

“Presentation and Publicity: The First and Second Editions of Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins” - Future of Philology Conference (Columbia University, 24 February 2012)

“‘O my chevalier!’: The Sexual Confession in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins” - International Society for Religion, Literature, and Culture Conference (Oxford University, 25 September 2010) 



Founder and Organizer, Stanford Poetry Out Loud Competition - Department of English and Creative Writing (Stanford University, 2011-2019)

Co-Organizer (with Gavin Jones) and Panelist, “Sound Studies” (Special Roundtable), Modern Language Association Convention (New York, 6 January 2018)

Graduate Coordinator, Material Imagination: Sound, Space, and Human Consciousness, Stanford Humanities Center Geballe Research Fund (Stanford University, 2014-2017)

Organizer and Presider, “Transatlantic Poetry and Early Sound Technology” (Presidential Theme Session: Boundary Conditions), with Ben Glaser (Yale), Christopher Hanlon (Arizona State), Chris Mustazza (Penn), and Peter Miller (UVA), Modern Language Association Convention (Philadelphia, 5 January 2017)